Sunday, December 12, 2010

Happy 6th Birthday, Morgan!

The birthday girl
 It is hard to believe our baby is 6!  Despite the winter weather, we were able to enjoy an afternoon at Jumpin' Janes, a huge indoor play center with several inflatable obstacle courses and fun. 

Enjoying the ride (even though it isn't moving)!

Cade and friend enjoying the party

Kyle (Dad) and Grandpa F. enjoying Jumpin' Janes

The kids had a blast and returned to our house for pizza, cake, and presents.  Morgan decided the person whose gift she was opening would get to sit in the 'Present Seat' with her while she unwrapped their gift.  What fun!!!
The 'Present Seat'

Cake anyone?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Proof- they actually like one another!

Kyle and I came downstairs yesterday morning at about 7:30 to the sound of 2 kids voices.  We walked to the living room and this is what we saw.

Great way to start the day!

This is how the day ended, friends visiting for dinner and cupcakes for dessert.

Pretty great day I'd say!

Beautiful day for a hike!

Spring has certainly arrived and with it we have had BEAUTIFUL sunny days, thunderstorms that keep you up at night, high winds (except for the day we tried to fly a kite and the wind turned remarkably still), and sounds of lawnmowers outside.  The best part of spring- playing ball outside, riding new and bigger bikes, hiking outdoors, and hearing kids happy voices and they run free after a long winter!  Hurray for spring!

We had the opportunity to go for a hike last weekend.  The kids LOVED to explore,

the dog LOVED to be free,

and the tics LOVED to come along for the ride home- yuck!  Enjoy the many blessings of spring.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Fun in the Dells

What could possibly make a family vacation to the Wisconsin Dells for a few days just a little bit better?  Friends to share the fun!  We had a great time relaxing, talking, playing games, and of course spending LOTS of time in the water.  The car ride home was oh so quiet!  Thanks for a great trip- we had a blast!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Boston Vacation

Kyle and I had a great opportunity to spend 4 days in Boston last week.  I had a conference and was thrilled when Kyle's parents were able to stay with the kids for a few days so Kyle could join me.  The trip was filled with LOTS of walking, sightseeing, eating seafood, enjoying each others company, and delighting in the blessings God has provided us!

We began the trip right with an evening meal of lobster and crab legs at the Barking Crab- expensive but delicious and worth every penny!

During the day while I was working Kyle had the opportunity to tour Fenway Park and the Samuel Adam's Brewery.   

The weather was a little chilly, but all the walking (and a few stops for coffee) kept us warm.  We even had snow one morning and stopped to take a picture on the way to the convention center.  This is taken standing on the bridge that goes across the harbor where the Boston Tea Party took place.

We enjoyed walking the Freedom Trail and touring the beautiful homes and old buildings in the Beacon Hill area.  The Boston Public Gardens, Union Oyster House (the oldest restaurant in the US), and many stops at Dunkin Donuts (which are on nearly EVERY block and even warrented a picture) were all favorites!

We even took some time in the Public Gardens to pose with the statues.  You will notice it was a requirement to pose in the same position as the statue- which led to many laughs along the way!

The Freedom Trail toured many sites including historical cemeteries (earliest grave marker we saw was 1666), the Old North Church, the USS Constitution, and even the Garden (not so historical, but Kyle was willing to pose with it in the background).

For our last night in Boston, which happened to also be my birthday, we decided to eat at Cheers.  Of course, it is required that you sit in Norm's spot and take a moment to pose with the giant Norm cut out.

It is hard to see in this picture, but the plaque in front of Kyle says NORM.
Not twins- but oh, so close!

The evening was even topped off by a free birthday Boston Creme Pie, YUM!

But the trip just wouldn't have been complete without the sunset kiss- how romantic!
We had a blast!!!  It was also absolutely fabulous reading the book, Make Way for Ducklings, with the kids when we got home and being able to point out all the places we had gone that are pictured in the book.  Cade is now reading a book set in Boston- fun reading it with him and remembering all the places we visited!

Happy Easter

What a fabulous Easter Day!  We woke up to check out our Easter Story Cookies right away in the morning, really tasty and a fun activity to do with kids the night before Easter- enjoy the link if you're interested in the recipe.  After a church potluck and service we decided to enjoy the perfect weather.

The day was beautiful for an after-church picnic and hike at Mines of Spain, one of our favorite family spots.  We took candy-filled eggs along for the kids to hide and find.  I'm not sure whether they enjoyed hiding eggs for one another or finding them more (Morgan is helping right now and says her favorite was finding them).  Probably eating the chocolate inside was the best part though. 

Morgan and I hid Cade's eggs first, and he was off and searching...
He was amazed that the Easter Bunny hopped into so many trees!

Next came Morgan's turn.  We even convinced her to 'hop' her way to the eggs.
Cade helped out in case the Easter Bunny was too tall.
She managed to find all her eggs, with only a little guidance from her big brother.
A trip to Dairy Queen with ice cream covered faces was the perfect way to end the afternoon.  We all slept well last night and are enjoying a day at home today before starting back to school tomorrow. 

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Cade's Belated Birthday Blog

Hard to believe he is actually 8 years old (and has been for a month and a half already)!  How the time flies!!!!!!!  The birthday morning began with a gift from dad and mom, then off to school.

Cade choose his Uncle Chad's mud cake recipe, bowling with a friend, and dinner at the Mongolian barbeque for his celebration.
Showing off his nearly 300 game (or maybe closer to 80 with bumpers).
Morgan's impressive bowling form.
It gets tougher every year to blow them all out in one breath!
Opening cards from Great Grandparents, thank you! 
He seemed to enjoy his day, and certainly ended the evening tired and VERY full!
Cade & Caden
Happy birthday, Cade!  Thank you to all who helped him celebrate and enjoy his special day.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Pathetic- I know!

Ah yes, the blogger who disappeared!  Just wanted to quickly report we are still alive and well.  The good news- it is Easter weekend quickly approaching and I'm looking forward to catching up on the blog.  My goal- post about Cade's birthday, long past now, and Kyle and my recent and wonderful trip to Boston.  More to come in the next day or two- I hope...

Friday, January 22, 2010

Realizing Your 7-Year Old is Smarter Than You...

We have had LOTS of snow days this year, 6 so far and it is only January. Of course, when there is snow and ice outside it means we are often in the house WAY too much. So Kyle and Cade have figured out how to pass the time, they are both learning to play chess. This is not a game I have EVER spent time playing or devoted the patience to learn... until Cade asked me Wednesday if I would play with him. How do you say no to a cute 7 year old who is asking you to play a game with him? Little did I know, I should have! He began by explaining the names of the pieces and the moves- at which point my head is already spinning. He did great at maintaining his patience with the countless times I asked, 'What can this guy do again?' while pointing to yet another piece and taking my time making each move. I caught on a little- but it reinforced what I already know- he is MUCH smarter than I am already! Look out for the teenage years!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Christmas Bliss

We had an extremely blessed Christmas this year filled with family time- including the opportunity to have both kids wake up at home on Christmas morning and trips to both parents despite the weather.

Cade opening a gift on Christmas Eve...

...and Christmas morning.

Morgan, Christmas Eve

Morgan, Christmas morning

Gingerbread house making

Lounging with new Christmas gifts

Our first trip was to Kyle's parents...

Playing around inside...

...and outside.

Gift opening...

...and posing with new, matching P.J.'s.

Next came a visit to my parents.

Time with Great Grandma...

...and Grandma...

...and of course, more gifts!

The greatest gift of all was the opportunity to spend time with family and to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior! It was fantastic to wake up Christmas morning and hear the excitement in our kids' voices as they discovered new presents under the tree and notes in their stockings from Santa. It was also a delight to sing a rousing rendition of 'Happy Birthday to Jesus' as a family before opening our gifts, recognizing that He truly is the greatest gift! Thanks to everyone for the cards and updates we've received this holiday season. May you continue to be blessed in 2010!