Sunday, December 12, 2010

Happy 6th Birthday, Morgan!

The birthday girl
 It is hard to believe our baby is 6!  Despite the winter weather, we were able to enjoy an afternoon at Jumpin' Janes, a huge indoor play center with several inflatable obstacle courses and fun. 

Enjoying the ride (even though it isn't moving)!

Cade and friend enjoying the party

Kyle (Dad) and Grandpa F. enjoying Jumpin' Janes

The kids had a blast and returned to our house for pizza, cake, and presents.  Morgan decided the person whose gift she was opening would get to sit in the 'Present Seat' with her while she unwrapped their gift.  What fun!!!
The 'Present Seat'

Cake anyone?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Proof- they actually like one another!

Kyle and I came downstairs yesterday morning at about 7:30 to the sound of 2 kids voices.  We walked to the living room and this is what we saw.

Great way to start the day!

This is how the day ended, friends visiting for dinner and cupcakes for dessert.

Pretty great day I'd say!

Beautiful day for a hike!

Spring has certainly arrived and with it we have had BEAUTIFUL sunny days, thunderstorms that keep you up at night, high winds (except for the day we tried to fly a kite and the wind turned remarkably still), and sounds of lawnmowers outside.  The best part of spring- playing ball outside, riding new and bigger bikes, hiking outdoors, and hearing kids happy voices and they run free after a long winter!  Hurray for spring!

We had the opportunity to go for a hike last weekend.  The kids LOVED to explore,

the dog LOVED to be free,

and the tics LOVED to come along for the ride home- yuck!  Enjoy the many blessings of spring.